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Recent Articles and News

Take a look at the latest news relating to the health sector around the world

By Admin | August 10 2018

Glaucoma: Spotting it early is crucial

Treatment can control the symptoms of the most common type of glaucoma and save someone's vision. The catch is that a person can't feel the changes in eye pressure that can damage vision, so they often won't know they even have it before it's too late. That is, unless they've been seeing an eye doctor regularly. One vision expert encourages people to not wait for that pressure to damage the optic nerve, but rather to preserve vision with regular health care.

By Admin | August 10 2018

Building a global, multi-disciplinary platform to promote women's health

What do retinal scans and a diet rich in greens, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and a moderate amount of fish have to do with women's and children's health? Recent academic research conducted at the Global Centre for Asian Women's Health (GloW) at NUS Medicine shows a strong correlation. GloW, a major research center in Asia, focuses on the holistic health of Asian women worldwide, addressing emerging public and family concerns.

By Admin | August 10 2018

How long does back pain last? And how can learning about pain increase the chance of recovery?

Back pain affects 1 in 13 people globally, totaling 619 million this year. It's the most disabling health issue worldwide, surpassing others in economic impact. Research on 20,000 individuals from 95 studies reveals recovery rates: 70%–95% for acute cases within six months, 40%–70% for subacute, and 12%–16% for chronic pain. Guidelines emphasize gradual activity return and pain education with professional guidance, yet these interventions face funding and accessibility challenges.

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